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Young Child Wellness Council

Tuscaloosa, Alabama

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About Us

Tuscaloosa Young Child Wellness Council (YCWC) was formed in 2015, where fourteen agencies were represented and has since grown and continued to identify potential partners. The council is comprised of parents, providers, and community leaders and works collaboratively across systems in order to improve policies, programs and approaches to using data and funds effectively. Additionally, this group works to improve knowledge about healthy child development through public education campaigns and cross-disciplinary workforce development.


The mission of Young Child Wellness Council is to address the social and emotional health and well-being of infants, young children, and their families through an integrated early childhood system of care.


The vision of Young Child Wellness Council is all families in Tuscaloosa will be supported by having access to high quality comprehensive services. Community needs will be understood across systems.

Lead Partners

Other Partners

Partners include local community agencies that work with children birth to eight years of age and their families including:

  • preschools

  • mental health providers

  • public schools

  • Representatives from the state young child wellness council

  • family resource centers

  • families

  • medical professionals


Tuscaloosa YCWC is part of the state-wide Alabama Project LAUNCH Young Child Wellness Council (YCWC).

Learning Community Goals and Strategic Priorities

During the learning community, the Young Child Wellness Council is focusing on the following goals:

  1. Cross-system development and implementation of targeted outreach and prevention services

  2. Strengthening the continuum of family centered maternal and child health services and supports


Strategic priorities include:

  1. Continued outreach to parents

  2. Identify parent engagement opportunities

  3. Ongoing education and development of community voice: finding, developing, creating awareness for community voice


For More Information

Amy Crosby

Agency Coordinator, West Alabama Food Bank

Phone: 205-333-5353

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